7 Reasons a Career Coach Can Position You for the Promotion
Oct 14, 2022We know how hard it can be to work up the corporate ladder and be considered for a
promotion, especially in a competitive marketplace.
Positioning yourself for the promotion, suddenly you’re not just attractive to your company,
you’re attractive to your company’s competitors and others alike in the industry.
We’re helping hundreds of people position themselves for promotion, and we can help you too.
The key is to get serious about your personal development plan and get a coach.
You’re going to have to approach this like an athlete. Every athlete, even the greatest in the
world, has a coach. A person helping them get better so they can think about a game plan, how
to execute the strategy, and find success.
Here are seven reasons a career coach can position you for the promotion.
1. Contribute more effectively to the team and organization
We believe if you are prepared and understand the ultimate goal, it allows you
to confidently articulate your views and ideas.
2. Take ownership and earn trust
Be an expert in your role. It’s important to own your work and be a reliable
person. Embrace a “find a way” attitude, even when it’s not your job.
3. Reinvigorate job and life satisfaction
Work-life balance gets lost if you’re unable to separate those domains. When
you’re working, fully commit. If you’re off, enjoy leisurely activities. Both require
you to practice presence.
4. Identify your blind spots
We all have derailers, behaviors that damage relationships or limit our career
potential. Take notice of how you respond when under pressure. If it helps, keep
a behavior journal to gain more awareness. Write down moments when you feel
strained and notice how you perform. You’ll see patterns and trends to improve
when challenges arise by writing down how you acted under tension.
5. Communicate more effectively
Effective communication isn’t just a matter of talking. It requires active listening.
Maintaining eye contact, not performing other tasks, and acknowledging the
person speaking are all ways of active listening and communicating more
6. Align values to purpose goals
Personal values make up a huge part of who we are and why we do what we do.
Values are the interests that determine career and relationship satisfaction.
When our values (what drives you) aligns with your goals (what you aim to
achieve), the connection distinctly fulfills your purpose.
7. Overcome inner blocks
We’ve all experienced being stuck. Battling limiting beliefs about yourself will
prevent you from achieving your real potential. What might be possible if you
shift a limiting belief? How much more could you achieve with the new thought
of possibilities?
We know how hard it is to position yourself for the promotion, but we also know it’s possible.
And not only is it possible, but you will also grow and learn about yourself along the way.
We’re helping hundreds of people just like you position themselves for the promotion through
our talent development services. That’s because when you sign up for your coaching process,
you won’t pay one dollar without knowing we are the right team for you.
If you’d like to schedule a fifteen-minute assessment call for free, just click the link below. We’d
be glad to help.
When positioning yourself for the promotion, we might be the people you’ve been looking for.
Schedule your assessment call today!
Your Coach,
Jordan Babineaux, MBA, CPC
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