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Latest Articles from Jordan Babineaux

7 Reasons a Career Coach Can Position You for the Promotion Oct 14, 2022

We know how hard it can be to work up the corporate ladder and be considered for a
promotion, especially in a competitive marketplace.

Positioning yourself for the promotion, suddenly you’re not just attractive to your company,
you’re attractive to your company’s competitors and others alike in the i...

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Ready, Set, Goals: 10 Ways Setting Goals Promotes Self-Confidence Oct 14, 2022

Everyone sets goals. The problem is only a few people who set goals do what is necessary to
achieve them – stay motivated, remain disciplined, and be consistent.

Like many, I have set goals that I didn’t achieve. Each time, I realized it was not having a plan or
sticking to the plan that caused the d...

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Is Your Leadership Style Producing the Results You Desire? Oct 14, 2022

The way we think about leadership has changed. It is no longer “do what I say because I’m the boss.” Instead, in the current climate of leading organizations and teams, leaders must possess the skills of collaboration and implementation.

Leaders are challenged to collaborate with their teams. In a ...

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4 Ways to Overcome Adversity & Achieve Significant Breakthroughs Oct 11, 2022

Uncertainty has plagued the progress of humanity. Due to the pandemic, we have all had to
pivot personally and professionally. Change is constant. But the speed of change today is
creating more anxiety and tension than ever before.

I remember retiring from the NFL. It was one of the biggest challenge...

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